Search Results for: weight loss

Have a cigerette with that cup of coffee

There are many people who truly believe the dieting myth that stimulants help them to lose weight by working as appetite suppressors. People believe that things such as caffeine and nicotine serve to quench their cravings for food. Though this is a dieting myth, it is not completely false. Caffeine and nicotine do in fact work this way by releasing… Read more »

Benefits Of Aerobic Exercise – Is It Really All That Great?

What are the benefits of aerobic exercise? Is it so good that everyone needs to talk about it all the time? How great can walking, running and swimming really be? These are some of the questions that I have heard very often, be it on blogs, forums, questions in fitness magazines and the list goes on. I think the problem… Read more »

Definition Of Aerobics Exercise

I’ve mentioned it very often so you might be wondering the definition of aerobics exercise! Aerobic exercise is basically any exercise or activity that helps to strengthen the heart. In a nutshell, if you engage in any activity that raises your heart rate significantly, it can be said that you are doing aerobics. This definition of aerobics has caused many… Read more »

Hamstring Stretches – Most Overlooked Stretch Ever

Why are hamstring stretches not classified under leg stretches? Well, I felt that it should be given more priority because not many people are aware of the importance of stretching their hamstrings. This lack of awareness has caused hamstring related injuries to be one of the highest today. This muscle is quite susceptible to injuries. The reason is, it is… Read more »

Eat healthy on a budget

Ditching the processed foods and switching to real, healthy foods can be intimidating, especially if you’re on a budget.  Many families consume processed foods because it’s what they can afford, especially some who use coupons.  Coupons for natural, organic, grass-fed, free-range and real food in general are few and far between. Whether you’re just feeding yourself or a family, I… Read more »

Fitness Myths

Fitness myths are everywhere. There might be one or two myths listed here that you previously believed in, but hopefully after reading this page, you will walk away with more knowledge about your health and fitness. You Can Get Fit Overnight The ugliest of all fitness myths: overnight fitness solutions. This myth takes the cake! It is the biggest lie circulating around… Read more »