Definition Of Aerobics Exercise

I’ve mentioned it very often so you might be wondering the definition of aerobics exercise!

Aerobic exercise is basically any exercise or activity that helps to strengthen the heart. In a nutshell, if you engage in any activity that raises your heart rate significantly, it can be said that you are doing aerobics.

This definition of aerobics has caused many people to start working out furiously because of weight loss. Aerobic exercise, if done at the right intensity, can be a great workout to burn fat. However, besides maintaining a healthy weight, there are various other health benefits as well.

Understanding Aerobics Exercise

There is a huge difference between aerobics and anaerobic exercise. Do not get confused!

The definition of aerobics exercise talks about activities that raises your heart rate. However, how do you know that you are fully maximizing the time you spent on your workout?

There are three simple factors, namely, duration of your exercise, how often you workout and the intensity at which your heart is working.

The duration of your workout is determined by how much time you have to exercise that day, and can range from 15 minutes to an hour. The best would be to exercise for at least half an hour for three times a week.

Although working out three times a day is good, to see even better results, it is strongly advised that you try to exercise for maybe five times in a week. If you are just starting out, it is best that you get an all-clear signal from your doctor, and start to exercise gradually.

Determining the intensity of your exercise is important. Since the definition of aerobics state that you need to work your heart, how do you know that your heart is being worked enough?


Measure your heart rate. Before that, you need to first calculate your maximum heart rate. A person’s maximum heart rate can be calculated as follows:

Maximum heart rate = 220 – (Your age)

In my case it would be:

Maximum heart rate: 220 – 20 = 200

Therefore, my heart can beat a maximum of 200 beats per minute.

To determine that you are working out with the right intensity, you should strive to achieve a heart rate that is about 50% to 85% of your maximum heart rate. Therefore, in my case, it would be 100 (200 multiplied by 0.5) to 170 (200 multiplied by 0.85).

Some fitness books and magazines might suggest that you aim for a heart rate that is about 55% to 90% of your maximum heart rate. I do not advice this, as it might be too high for you, especially if you are starting out.

Things To Keep In Mind

While the definition of aerobics states that you need to work your heart, you must not overdo it. Also, do not get too caught up with the number of calories burned during exercise.

  • Never workout to the point that your heart rate reaches 90% of your maximum heart rate.

This means that you are overdoing your exercise and you should slow down, cool down and rest. Only athletes who are undergoing serious training will work out until they hit 90% of their maximum heart rate, and this is attempted only under strict supervision of their trainers and coaches.

  • If you want to improve your aerobic stamina, strive for 70%-80% of your maximum heart rate.

When you push yourself such that your heart rate lies in the 70%-80% of your maximum heart rate, you actually help to improve your stamina. This therefore means that you can run or engage in other physical activities for a longer period of time.

  • To lose weight, intensity should be at 60%-70% of your maximum heart rate.

Therefore, while the definition of aerobics does state that you can improve your heart rate and lose weight and build stamina, you have to train yourself to a certain point before you are able to see results.

Final Words

All in all, aerobics can be a great way of improving your cardiovascular system and to lose weight while preventing diseases. However, you must remember to keep in mind that you need to exercise frequently for at least half an hour each time, at a certain level of intensity.

Many mistake the definition of aerobics and assume that minimal aerobic activity is enough to improve their health. Sadly, that is not the case. But do not worry! There are many ways of making your workouts interesting.

The next time you set your mind on improving your stamina or cutting down a few pounds, you now know what to look out for, and how vigorously you should train. At the end of the day, a conscious effort is most important. Also, have the right mindset and motivation.

You will be able to achieve your goals if you set your heart and mind to it.