Category: Health & Sport

Why diets fail

One of the greatest myths that lead to diet failure is that if you eat fewer calories and exercise more then you will lose weight. While diet and exercise certainly contribute to weight loss the bigger picture is more involved and complex then simply changing you’re eating habits and behaviors. Look at fat for instance. For each gram of fat… Read more »

All calories are the same

Each calorie is different, especially in relation to weight loss. It has been proven by recent scientific studies that not all calories carry the same “weight”. Diets have changed over time in relation to three food groups which are proteins, fats and carbohydrates. While the consumption of calories that hold fat are going down, the ones coming from protein and… Read more »

Fatigue Syndrome

This is how it starts. You just had your morning coffee and nevertheless feel like going straight back to bed. You don’t find the car keys, arrive late at work, need a lunch break lasting for hours, mess up your desk and finally back home fall asleep after ten minutes in front of the TV. And not just for one… Read more »

Peanut Butter And Jelly Sandwich – Mouthwaterin’!

Peanut butter and jelly sandwich has always been a staple for many Americans. However, recently, this sandwich is fast growing to be more popular in other parts of the world as well. In Asia for example, people have been eating them without realizing it. The reason being, they do not know that jelly actually refers to jam spreads. Therefore, they… Read more »

Definition Of Physical Fitness

Both you and I have probably wondered the definition of physical fitness. Each of us probably has a different idea what exactly is physical fitness. Dictionaries define it as being in good shape or being in good condition. The truth is, the definition is relative! You choose how you want to define it! Everyone Looks At It Differently Suppose that… Read more »