How to plan a Good Organic Vegetable Garden

Are you ready to go to the market for organic seeds? Wait, before you go to the market you will need to plan your organic vegetable garden for best result. Well planning solves half the problems arising from pests and diseases. Here are some ideas that help you in successful organic gardening.

Step 1: Decide what to plant

Some people find it very hard to choose the right plant. Here are some tips to help you in decision making.

–   You can focus on those plants that are heavy in chemicals when produced by commercial farmers. If you manage to produce even a few of them then that heavily stops harmful chemicals entering into your body.

– If you can produce the fruits and vegetables which are expensive in the season also then that can save you a lot of money.

–  Which fruits and vegetables does your family basically eat a lot? Try to go for such veggies and fruits.

–  How much salad do you eat in summer? Which vegetables you need for soups and stews in the winter time. Try to go for such vegetables.

– Forget about growing those vegetables that you get for cheap in the market and those that contain fewer chemicals when produced by commercial methods. This can help you utilize the space you have for expensive and better vegetables. It also helps to save your precious time.

Step 2: Find out the planting season

When you have decided what to plant then you will need to find out the panting season for that. You can get early and late varieties for certain plants. It’s always better to go for favourite vegetables. You can also choose versatile vegetables like tomatoes.

Step 3: Choose the best location for planting

First consider how many garden beds you have and figure out if any of them is raised one. Some plants require raised beds. Herbs used in cooking are best to grow nearby kitchen since it is easy for you to get them and you don’t forget to use them. Do you plan to grow watermelons or pumpkins? Plants like these need a lot of space. However you necessarily don’t need to make a bed for them.

Step 4: Consider Companion plants

Some plants needs to be planted separate. If you plant them together one might harm the other. You will need to figure out which plants are best when planted together. Some herbs make a very good companion when they are planted together.

Step 5: Soil test

You can perform a soil test just to be on a safer side. People tend to perform a soil test after they plant or when the plant doesn’t grow effectively. It’s always better to find out the nutrients to be added in the soil or the ones that needs to be neutralized for the best result.

Step 6: Planting

Once you have considered all above mentioned steps seriously then you can buy the seeds or seedlings and grow a healthy organic vegetable garden for your family.