Raising Rhode Island Red Chickens

Rhode Island Red

Raising Rhode Island Red chickens is popular for two main reasons:

they provide excellent meat and eggs and they can also be raised for show. Because Rhode Island Red chickens are so hardy and useful, they make a great choice for those wishing to raise chickens in their backyards. Raising Rhode Island Red chickens is also a good choice for those who have children as these birds are normally very friendly.

There are more reasons raising Rhode Island Red chickens is so popular. Unlike some other breeds, these are very hardy birds that are also not prone to illness easily. When it comes to foraging on their own, they are some of the best and love to free range if given the chance.

The hens are good egg producers and will continue to lay eggs even in the colder weather months. It should be noted, however, they do reduce production significantly if the temperature inside the chicken coop falls to freezing.

While the average Rhode Island Red chicken is docile, the roosters can be aggressive toward people and predators. The roosters are extremely good at protecting the other chickens in the flock and have been known to kill or maim much bigger animals, such as dogs, foxes, and raccoons. Even so, if the Rhode Island Red chicken is raised properly they are more often than not, docile and friendly.

For those looking to produce eggs then Raising Rhode Island Red chickens are a great choice , the Rhode Island Red is an exceptionally good egg layer. On a yearly basis, they can produce between 200 and 300 eggs. Their eggs are normally light to dark brownish in color. On average, a healthy hen may lay six to eight eggs a week. One key to higher egg production is feeding the hens high-quality feed on a regular basis.

Rhode Island Red hens normally begin to lay eggs once they are about 22 weeks old. At first, their eggs may be small, but the size will increase over time. It is important that you remove the eggs from the hens on a daily basis. Hens that are allowed to sit on their eggs will stop producing eggs until the chicks are hatched. This can really mess up your egg schedule if you are not prepared for it.

When raising newly hatched Rhode Island Red chicks, you must keep them in a cardboard box or incubator with a heat lamp overhead. The temperature must be monitored at least once a day and adjusted as the chicks grow older.

The amount of chick starter needed depends on the number of chicks. Normally, you need about two pounds of feed for every 20 chicks per day. You must also provide them with clean, fresh water.

As they grow to the point where they can fly, you can place them into the flock.

Remember, in order for your hens to have chicks, you have to have a rooster. Most experts agree that one healthy rooster can fertilize 10 to 15 hens.

Raising Rhode Island Red chickens can be a very pleasant endeavor for the whole family.