Grow Tomatoes Indoors

Tomatoes do not usually flourish outdoors during the winter season, as they prefer the warm season.

As a result, tomato lovers are denied the enjoyment of much of these delicious and juicy tomatoes during winter.

There is however the possibility to grow tomatoes indoors not only during winter, but all through the year.

The process that is required to grow tomatoes indoors can be quite time consuming, but the end result makes it worthwhile.

The reduction and possible elimination of weeding, is indeed one of the advantages of growing indoors.

A suitable alternative to sunlight will have to be produced however, as tomatoes require sufficient sunlight.

This is how you commence the process of growing tomatoes indoors during winter time.

As the garden plants start to wither, you should plant your seeds outdoors prior to the appearance of frosts.

The frost may start to appear when the seedlings begin to show.

As this occurs, you need to uproot the seedlings and replant them in pots or containers indoors.

The containers can be recycled or cheaper ones sourced.

To facilitate drainage of excess water, there should be holes at the bottom of the containers.

The seedling soil should be planted with a mixture of compost, water and fertilizer, and the seedlings need to be exposed to light for at least ten hours daily.

This needs to be increased to about fourteen hours as they grow bigger.

As a substitute to sunshine, a fluorescent lamp can be used to create artificial light.

As soon as your tomato plants have reached a large enough size, they should be removed to another vessel, which should be filled up to three quarters with soil that has been prepared with compost.

The seedlings are then inserted and sufficient water poured on them.

You should not allow the water to dry up, nor should you excessively water the tomato plant.

Regardless of the type of tomatoes you want to grow, there are other important points to remember.

Temperature An indoor temperature of 70 degrees Fahrenheit should be maintained for the duration of the cold season.

Soil Ensure that your soil is mixed with compost and sphagnum or peat moss, so that the plant has the required nutrients, as good soil produces good tomato fruits.

Proper Drainage Since stagnant water will cause the roots of your plant to rot, it is important that all excessive water is drained through the holes at the bottom of the container.

Transplanting Extra care should be exercised to ensure that the roots are not damaged during the transplanting of the tomato seedlings.

Fertilizers Adding fertilizers to the soil will help boost the growth of your tomato plants, and guarantee a healthy plant.

The plant also needs adequate water so that the soil will be moist but not too saturated.

Growing your tomatoes indoors can be extremely rewarding and fun.

Just by following the guidelines provided, you should be able to enjoy a bountiful harvest of tomatoes during the winter, which are not only delicious but healthy as well.